Installing and Setting Up the App

Setting up the AXS App is a straightforward process, but it's crucial to ensure that your wallet is secure and ready for use. Here's how to install and set up the app:

  1. Open the AXS App: Launch the AXS App by tapping its icon on your device.

  2. Create a New Wallet or Import an Existing One: If you’re new to the AXS App, you can create a new wallet. Follow the on-screen instructions to generate a new wallet with a secure password and backup phrase. If you already have a wallet from a previous installation, you can choose to import it by entering your recovery phrase, or import it via the dedicated platform you saved it on.

  3. Backup Your Wallet: It’s essential to back up your wallet’s recovery phrase securely. This phrase is your key to accessing your funds and should be stored in a safe place, preferably offline. Do not share it with anyone.

  1. Set Up Additional Security Measures: Consider enabling FaceID and exploring other security features offered by the AXS App to enhance the protection of your assets.

With the AXS App successfully installed and set up, you’re now ready to start managing your cryptocurrency portfolio securely and conveniently.

Last updated