Reason for Migration from DataDash to AXS

The primary reason for migrating from DataDash to AXS is decentralization, which acts as a moving force that conveniently solves all issues previously encountered within DataDash.

Before migrating to AXS, DataDash suffered from the following problems:

  • Frequent need for server updates resulting in disrupted mining experience

  • Cumbersome withdrawal process, often resulting in the need to submit multiple withdrawal requests

  • Need to adhere to server and third-party service provider regulations, resulting in KYC requirements for some users

  • Limited server capacity resulting in overall slow-down during peak hours

  • Maintenance of geographic location-based servers resulting in high maintenance costs

Upon migrating to AXS, the above problems have been solved in the following ways:

  • No need for frequent server updates, other than planned forks

  • Easy withdrawal process with 0 hassle, with 100% success rate as long as users set the right gas fee

  • No need for additional KYC due to the full decentralization

  • Unlimited server capacity thanks to relying fully on blockchain technology and ZK roll-ups

  • Lower maintenance costs

As you can see, the decentralization that comes with AXS is a silver bullet for the issues that were faced by the users of the DataDash app. We strongly believe that AXS can now serve as the cornerstone of the entire MXC zkEVM ecosystem.

Last updated