Swap Analytics

Within the AXS App, Swap Analytics offers a comprehensive set of tools and features that allow users to gain valuable insights into decentralized exchange activity. With this feature, you can access a wide range of data and metrics to help you make informed decisions while trading and managing your digital assets.

  • Liquidity Overview: Get a real-time overview of the total liquidity available in the decentralized exchange (DEX) ecosystem.

  • Trading Volume: Track the trading volume on various trading pairs, helping you identify trends and popular tokens.

  • Search Functionality: Easily search for specific trading pairs, tokens, or user accounts, streamlining the process of finding the information you need.

  • Analytics Tools: Use a variety of analytical tools to gain deeper insights into trading activity, liquidity trends, and market dynamics.

Swap Analytics is a powerful tool that enhances your ability to navigate the decentralized exchange landscape efficiently, providing you with the data necessary for trading and investment decisions.

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