Chain Configuration

Your AXS wallet is compatible with multiple blockchain networks. The default networks available are MXC Wannsee Testnet, MXC zkEVM Mainnet, Ethereum Mainnet, and Arbitrum One.

All dApps on the MXC zkEVM are on the MXC zkEVM Mainnet, and thus it should be your default network.

MXC Wannsee Testnet is a testing ground for various dApps. Using the testnet has various benefits, such as accomplishing airdrop tasks and being the first to see some unique dApps that may still be in development.

Moreover, you can use Ethereum Mainnet and Arbitrum One to use your AXS wallet as secure storage for compatible assets.

At the bottom, you may choose the IPFS gateway. We recommend that you leave this at the default setting. You may choose a different IPFS gateway if you encounter bugs such as your NFT assets experiencing visualization problems.

Last updated